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NGEF Runner Donation Campaigns

The donation campaign add-on enables you to place a donation campaign on a page with a form listing the people participating, the amounts earned and the goal amount, as well as a button for people to click to contribute.

How to Install the Donation Campaign Add-On

Click here for information on Installing Add-Ons. (The Add-On is named RUNNER DONATION FORM.)

How to Add the Donation Form to a web page

When you are on the web page where you would like the donation form to appear and are logged on as an Administrator, you will select the EDIT option from the menu. Next, click the paper/pencil icon. This will take you to the Edit record for your page.

On this screen put your cursor in the Copy box, click on the Add-on drop down menu and select Runner Donation Form. An image with the Contensive logo will appear in the Copy Box. Click OK at the top of the page to save the pledge form to your webpage.

After you click OK, you will return to the webpage with the donation form. Currently, the donation form is located at https://www.ngefsupport.org.

System Emails in Response to Donations

Once the user clicks DONATE, a system email is sent to the ?pledger? . You can edit the content of this email by logging in and going to ADMIN. Then click on MANAGE EMAIL, SYSTEM EMAIL, and then the paper/pencil icon for "Runner Campaign Donation Thank You". You can edit the email text, subject, from address, notification send to address, and groups to receive the email. Click OK to save changes.

In addition, a notification email is sent to a designated person at NGAUS to notify you that someone has made a donation. This email can be edited by logging in and going to ADMIN. Then click on MANAGE EMAIL, SYSTEM EMAIL, and then the paper/pencil icon for "Runner Campaign Donation Notification". Click OK to save changes.

Setting Up New Running Campaigns

You can set up new running campaigns by logging in and going to ADMIN. Then click on MANAGE ADD-ONS, NGEF and then RUNNING CAMPAIGNS. To add a new campaign, click ADD at the top of the page. This will open up a new campaign record where you can enter the campaign name or goal amount. Click OK to save changes. If you want to edit the name or goal amount of a campaign, click on the paper/pencil icon next to the campaign name, make changes and click OK to save the changes.

Adding New Runner to Campaigns

You can add new runners to campaigns by logging in and going to ADMIN. Then click on MANAGE ADD-ONS, NGEF and then RUNNERS. To add a new runner, click ADD at the top of the page. This will open up a new runner record where you can enter the runner's name, select the campaign, enter a goal amount (which will apply to this runner if different from the campaign goal amount) and enter the last name in the SORT ORDER field to sort the records by last name. Click OK to save the new runner. If you want to edit a runner's record, click on the paper/pencil icon next to the runner's name, make changes and click OK to save the changes.

Accessing List of Running Campaign Donations

You can see all donations made for a specific running campaign by logging in and going to ADMIN. Then click on MANAGE ADD-ONS, NGEF and then RUNNING CAMPAIGN DONATIONS. You will see a list of all donations made for running campaigns. Click on the NAME field to sort by the record name, which begins with the name of the campaign, followed by the runner's name and donation date.