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Dues Calculator

The TCA Dues Calculator 2 add-on enables prospective TCA members to determine what their dues will be based on their previous year's revenue. When dues prices change, TCA is able to modify the calculator to reflect the updated dues amounts. The calculator is located at http://truckload.org/Dues-Calculator.

Calculating Estimated Dues

To calculate estimated dues, an organization will go to http://truckload.org/Dues-Calculator, where they will see the following screen:

On this screen they will enter their company's total truckload revenue from last year and hit TAB. The annual membership dues will be displayed in the bottom box on the screen.

Changing the Dues Settings

To change the dues calculations in the dues calculator, login and go to ADMIN. Click on MANAGE ADD-ONS, TCA DUES CALCULATOR, and TCA DUES CALCULATOR SETTINGS. You will see the following screen:

(Note: Only a portion of the settings screen is shown below. The amounts continue down to under $2 million.)

On this screen you can change the dues amounts that are used in the dues calculator. Click OK when you are done to save changes.