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Text Messaging

This add-on enables you to send text message to a specific group.

The mobile providers covered are stored under ADMIN, MANAGE ADD-ONS, TEXT MESSAGING, and MOBILE PROVIDERS. To add a new carrier, click the ADD button. To edit an existing carrier click the paper/pencil icon next to that carrier. You can add or change the carrier name or the email extension used to send text messages to that carrier. Click OK to save changes.

After installing the collection, two new fields are added in each user's record: Cell Phone and Mobile Provider. These need to be populated for each person who will receive a text message.

To send a text to a group, login and click ADMIN, then MANAGE ADD-ONS, then TEXT MESSAGING and finally SEND TEXT MESSAGES.

On this screen you will type your message, enter a from-address and select the group or groups as the destination of your text message. Next click SEND when you are ready to send your message. When the form returns, it will show a list of people who were sent the message.