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Collection File Setting Interface SiteProperty Node

The SiteProperty node creates a line on the settings page that displays a site property.

<SiteProperty name="" caption="" ReadOnly="" Type="" Selector="" Html="" Description="" EditorAddon="" />

Name is the name of the site property to be used for data.

Caption is what is displayed to the left of the field

ReadOnly forces the field to only display, and not allow edit

Type determines the type of data to be saved. They can be any of:

  • integer
  • text
  • boolean
  • date
  • file
  • currency
  • imagefile
  • textfile
  • float
  • cssfile
  • xmlfile
  • link

Selector is an options string that can be used to control the display options. Selector Syntax matchs the syntax used for Add-on Arguments.

HTML is true/false. If true, the HTML editor is used to edit the field.

Description is a short block of text that appears with the site property.

EditorAddon is the Name of an addon that will be displayed a custom editor for the field. If the EditorAddon is present, the Selector argument is ignored. The EditorAddon is passed two fields in the OptionString, FieldName and FieldValue. It should produce a form input field using the FieldName as the input's name, and FieldValue as the inputs initial value. The value will be processed as any other SiteProperty field according to it's Type.

This page was last reviewed 5/19/2021 4:58:40 PM