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Exporting a Collection and Installing a Collection

This tutorial shows you how to export a Collection to a collection file, then install that collection to a different site.

You should already have created a new developer siteon your workstation and created an addon collection.

Export an Addon Collection

  1. Install the Collection Exporter Tool

    Go to the admin site and open the navigator Tools, open the Addon Manager, check the install checkbox next to the Collection Exporter. Click OK to install the tool. When it installs, you can find it under Tools in the Navigator.

  2. Open the Collection Exporter and select your new collection. Click Export Collection. In a few seconds you get a link to download the collection file.

  3. Right click the link and download the file to your local drive. This file is the collection zip file. It contains all the code and settings for the addons and the collection you created.

  4. If your collection uses a dotnet assembly you have created on your workstation, the assembly DLL file needs to be added to the collection zip file manually.

    The latest copy of the assembly can be found in the \Addons folder of your Contensive installation, at \program files (x86)\kma\Contensive by default. Copy the file(s) and paste it into the collection zip file.

Install a Collection File on a new site

  1. Create a new development site on your workstation.

  2. On the new site, run the Addon Manager.

    The addon manager is on the Navigator directly under Manage Add-ons.

  3. Open the tab labeled "Add Manually", select your new addon collection zip file and click OK.

    In a few seconds it will come with basic instructions, and your collection will be installed on the navigator.