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​How to write User Stories for use in Agile Development

The agile development process is designed for transparency with a focus on user needs and satisfaction. When it comes to writing meaningful user stories for use in agile development the idea is to maintain transparency and to open useful discussion about user needs and satisfaction. How is that accomplished? Through coherent user stories. Here's how to write them:

Establish the User, the Action and the Goal

Succinct stories are the goal. A story should fit on a post-it or an index card and should be supplemented with discussion. Each story has the user as the main actor. Within the story the user interacts with a product in the hope of achieving a goal.

You should start a user story with a title that explains who the actor is, what action the actor takes and what the actor hopes to achieve.

For example: A user wants to retrieve information from a database using their smartphone.

Tell the Story

In a few short lines tell what occurred when the actor tried to reach their goal. Be certain to detail the criteria using a given, when, then format.

For example: The user has a database app on their Samsung Galaxy s7 Edge. When the user opens the database to retrieve data, they receive an error message.

Share User Stories

Each member of the team might have a slightly different story. For instance, users with IoS operating systems might not have the same experience. Discussing the differences in stories helps the development team arrive at a solution so that at the end of the process every user story has the best ending.

To learn more about telling meaningful user stories within an agile development process, please contact us

Posted By Dwayne McGowanx | 11/21/2016 1:23:12 PM