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Creating a New Site Using Other programming environments

Contensive is a server that can deliver the entire site from a single API call. It uses an activex object to interface with the webserver's scripting environment.

You can use Contensive to manage content delivery form any programming language that can work with an instance of an activex object. The process is as follows:

Create the object from the program id ccweb3.mainclass

Initialize several contensive properties from the server context (an asp vb example is included here)

call any Contensive method to deliver the site content. The simplest is "GetHTML()"

This is a sample of the initialization of Contensive properties using ASP vb.

' This header file contains site wide definitions and is required
' by all asp documents in the site.
' This page and its contents are copyright by Kidwell McGowan Associates.
Dim ccLib
' ----- Initialize the API
Sub InitLibAPI
on error goto 0
Dim NewKey
Dim TotalBytes
Set ccLib = Server.CreateObject( "ccWeb3.MainClass" )
' Move from MainClass
Response.Buffer = True
ccLib.ServerPathPage = CStr( Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))
ccLib.ServerReferrer = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
ccLib.ServerHost = Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")
ccLib.BrowserLanguage = CStr( Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"))
ccLib.ServerPageSecure = cBool( Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT_SECURE"))
ccLib.PhysicalWWWPath = Server.MapPath("/")
ccLib.PhysicalccLibPath = Server.MapPath( "/ccLib" )
ccLib.VisitRemoteIP = CStr( Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR"))
ccLib.VisitBrowser = CStr( Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))
ccLib.HTTP_Accept = CStr( Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ACCEPT"))
ccLib.HTTP_Accept_charset = CStr( Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET"))
ccLib.HTTP_Profile = CStr( Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_PROFILE"))
ccLib.HTTP_X_Wap_Profile = CStr( Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE"))
' Create ServerQueryString
For Each NewKey In Request.QueryString
ccLib.ServerQueryString = ccLib.ServerQueryString & "&" & CStr(NewKey) & "=" & Server.URLEncode( Request.QueryString(NewKey))
ccLib.ReadStreamBinaryRead = ccLib.ReadStreamBinaryRead Or (ucase(CStr(NewKey)) = "REQUESTBINARY")
If Len( ccLib.ServerQueryString ) > 0 then
ccLib.ServerQueryString = Mid( ccLib.ServerQueryString, 2 )
End If
' Create ServerForm
If ccLib.ReadStreamBinaryRead Then
' binary multipart form
TotalBytes = Request.TotalBytes
If TotalBytes > 0 Then
Server.ScriptTimeout = 1800
ccLIb.ServerBinaryHeader = Request.BinaryRead(TotalBytes - 1)
End If
' non-binary form, create Form String
For Each NewKey In Request.Form
ccLib.ServerForm = ccLib.ServerForm & "&" & CStr(NewKey) & "=" & Server.URLEncode( Request.Form(NewKey))
If Len( ccLib.ServerForm ) > 0 then
ccLib.ServerForm = Mid( ccLib.ServerForm, 2 )
End If
End If
' Create ServerCookie string
For Each NewKey In Request.Cookies
ccLib.ServerCookies = ccLib.ServerCookies & "&" & CStr(NewKey) & "=" & Request.Cookies(NewKey)
If Len( ccLib.ServerCookies ) > 0 then
ccLib.ServerCookies = Mid( ccLib.ServerCookies, 2 )
End If
End Sub
' Initialize
if Response.IsClientConnected then
Call InitLibAPI()
end if

This page was last reviewed 8/12/2022 9:24:41 AM