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Top 3 Mobile App Development Trends For 2015

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Studies show that mobile device use is increasing, a fact that affects advertisers since the platform and the methods used to deliver information to consumers are undergoing significant changes. A Global Web study showed that 80% of Internet users own a Smartphone as of 2015. According to a Monetate study, the conversion rate for Smartphones is around 4.70%, which is still below the 8.52% average conversion rate for desktops. However, the 102,062 millions app downloads (according to a Statistica study) and the fact that Smartphone users are spending more time using apps than browsing the web (according to a Nielsen study) show that mobile apps will soon become a must-have tool for advertisers. Here are three mobile app development trends you should be aware of in 2015.

1 - User Experience

Due to the huge number of apps available to Smartphone owners, user experience is one of the elements that will determine whether or not an app is popular. A good user experience includes an app that is easy and fun to use but Smartphone owners are also increasingly pre-occupied about their safety and who has access to their data. This growing concern for safety is directly tied to recent headlines about hacks and it is probable that advertisers will not be able to connect with mobile users unless they develop a safe app. User experience can also be improved by state of the art design such as parallax layouts or customization options.

2 - Cloud Integration And Other Smart Devices

The Internet of Things is a relatively new concept but tech experts agree on the fact that the Internet of Things is the future. The Internet of Things (or IoT) refers to the connectivity of objects around us. A good example would be the new Smart TVs that allow users to stream movies and TV shows from a Smartphone or laptop or the Smart thermostats that can be controlled thanks to mobile apps. The Internet of Things should become more prominent in 2015 as consumers develop an interest for connected household items and wearable tech. App developers will have to catch up by focusing on cloud integration and by creating apps that can efficiently communicate with other devices besides Smartphones.

3 - Enterprise Apps

The demand for enterprise apps is growing for a number of reasons. Advertisers are relying on apps to reach out to their audience and make the shopping process easier, but enterprises are also using apps to train new employees, collect and make analytics more accessible to their sales team or to promote collaboration between employees. More companies will invest in app development in 2015 and there should be a focus on features such as safe payments for consumers as well as advanced analytics and cloud integration for employees.

Contensive offers custom solutions such as mobile app development, online integration or responsive design. Contact us to find out more about the services offered and to learn more about trends in app development.

Posted By Dwayne McGowanx | 1/28/2015 2:48:12 PM