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Being Proactive is the Key to Online Reputation Management Success

Why is reputation management important? The fact is that people believe bad online reviews. Not only that, but disgruntled customers are more likely to leave negative reviews than happy customers are to leave positive reviews.

It's not just the reviews that matter: Websites that are set up solely to damage the reputation of another business aren't uncommon. Two types of people are likely to do this: Your competitors and people who feel they've been treated wrongly by your staff.

When it comes to online reviews on sites such as Google, Facebook, Yelp and other directories, it is important not to get into any arguments. Your staff will just come across as unfriendly and rude. The trick is to take the conversation offline. Here's a good example of what to reply to a negative review: "We're sorry you had such an experience. We've contacted you to remedy the situation."

The main way to counter a bad online reputation is to build up a positive reputation. With online reviews, it means encouraging happy customers to leave 5-star reviews.

But that's not enough. Bad reviews from bloggers and independent websites can rank in the search engines when someone searches for your company. The only way to counter this is through a reputation management strategy that includes building positive reviews online on independent websites.

Don't wait for the bad reviews to come before doing reputation management! If you're not establishing a positive presence online and on social media, your company and your CEO are both prime targets for a negative campaign. Contact us for help.

Posted By Dwayne McGowanx | 1/16/2017 11:00:54 AM