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Transparency: The Hidden Power of Agile Development

When you search for agile development online, you'll find plenty of articles detailing the several advantages of this development method over more traditional, waterfall philosophies. Heck, we even have some on this very blog, detailing benefits like low cost and increased flexibility. But one crucial advantage of agile development deserves more attention that it currently gets: the addition of transparency to your software, app or web development process.

Why You Need Transparency in Your Development Process

Going into a new project, you may not think of transparency as a major pain point throughout the process. But once you're elbows deep into the development, we can almost guarantee that it will be on your mind almost constantly.

After all, you are probably in a pretty significant contract with your developer. You want to make sure that your product (software, app, or website) turns out just as you intended, working to produce and market your company to its highest potential. And the only way you can reach that goal is by adding transparency to the process.

How Transparency Works in Agile Development

Choosing a developer that specializes in agile development will help you achieve that degree of transparency. These developers break the project into various 'chunks' that they can work on simultaneously, ensuring multiple opportunities for you to give feedback and check in on the status of your project.

The result is full transparency, in a variety of ways:

  • Cost. Through agile development, you will understand both the total cost of your project and be kept up-to-date with any possible additional costs as they occur. Traditional waterfall methods often keep these additional costs hidden until it's too late to do anything about it; through agile development, you will know early enough to make adjustments.
  • Time. Similar to cost, waterfall development may mean running behind your intended timeline without even knowing it. Especially if you have a hard deadline for your new website or app, the result can be a rushed project that does not work as intended. Agile development, on the other hand, lets you keep a close eye on the timeline to ensure the project is finished before the deadline.
  • Development. An agile developer will keep you updated throughout the process, with frequent status reports letting you know about the current status and going into every detail you need to know. As a result, you'll learn valuable nuggets about your software, app, or website that will prove crucial once the project is complete.
  • Review. Finally, you'll be included in the review process of your finished product, ensuring that it turns out just as you intended. A new software, website or app can be a significant investment of time and money, so you want to be sure that the finished product turns out exactly as intended. With agile development, you can do just that.

All clients have contracted out services that they ended up knowing little about. The results are generally frustrating, and the partnerships don't last long. We, on the other hand, specialize in agile development - which means we both focus on the transparency you need, and develops the trust needed for successful product completion.

We even go beyond that completion. Aiming to become your long-term development partners, we want to be sure that we're not only meeting, but exceeding expectations. Fortunately, with the many benefits of agile development on our side, we're confident that we can do just that.

Are you in need of a new app or website, and are looking for a company that can help you get exactly what you need, with as much input as you want to provide? In that case, contact us. We'd love to show you just how much we value transparency, and just how much it will benefit your product.

Posted By Dwayne McGowanx | 12/1/2015 1:46:13 PM