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Why is having a responsive web design important?

Much ado has been made about the importance of having a responsive website design, but few people really know why it's important to have a responsive website design for your business. With this in mind, then, we've come up with a list of some of the many benefits of responsive website design:

  • Responsive website design saves you time and money. As professionals move away from desktop and laptop computers -- and more towards mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets -- the need for a website that "responds," or can be searchable and clickable regardless of the platform, increases. This means that customers can view your site, and purchase from your site, no matter what they're looking for and no matter what the context.
  • Responsive website design improves the user experience. Further along the lines of the website looking good no matter what platform it's viewed on, when a user (that is, a potential customer) sees a nice website on a smartphone or on a laptop, they're more inclined to visit the website again...as well as purchase from the website as well.
  • Finally, but certainly no less importantly, responsive website design improves your Google rankings. While no one factor is the sole contributor to Google rankings -- higher rankings come as a result of a combination of digital marketing techniques -- a recent article released by Google suggests that part of the new Google algorithm takes website responsiveness into account when devising the rankings. And, the more responsive the website is, the higher the ranking.

For more information about us and our services, contact us today to see what we can do for you.

Posted By Dwayne McGowanx | 12/27/2016 2:07:46 PM