Provides tips for better managing your website, web applications and inbound marketing efforts.
You've perhaps heard about agile development in the field of business web development, but probably didn't understand what some of the arcane terms meant. Much like agile marketing where all marketing agencies work together to create larger projects, agile development takes big web development projects and breaks them down into increments. Using te...
Content is king. To engage with a customer you draw them into an interesting ongoing relationship, a relationship which keeps them returning to your website on a regular basis. Without dynamic content, your website may be superficially interesting, but it only holds the customer's interest for a limited period of time. Content as engagement means t...
Every business owner knows that client satisfaction is fundamental to the success of any organization, whether a service company, a manufacturer, or a retailer. What many owners don't know, however, is that customer expectations are changing, and to keep customers satisfied, the website development process and the ways you are doing business must c...
Let’s say your enterprise is ready to partner with a firm that offers web and mobile app development and integration. It’s now time to map out your criteria for choosing the right partner, and an agile scrum approach tops your list of must-haves. Your boss glances at the list and simply shrugs at your number one item. You’ve got work to do to convi...
When you search for agile development online, you'll find plenty of articles detailing the several advantages of this development method over more traditional, waterfall philosophies. Heck, we even have some on this very blog, detailing benefits like low cost and increased flexibility. But one crucial advantage of agile development deserves more at...